Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day 5 - Your definition of Love

1. an emotion of great adoration and admiration for a person and or object;
2. the most beautiful, amazing yet soul-crushing feeling for one to experience;
3. all you need

A game where all you need is love, because let's face it love is all you need.

Part of my reasoning behind starting a blog is so that I could further develop my writing skills by translating my thoughts and feelings into words. Love, however always leaves me speechless. I believe that whoever coined the phrase "actions speak louder than words" was truly onto something. 99% of the time I feel as though I relate to that, especially when I try to talk about love; I get all tongue-tied and awkward. I daydream quite often and wish people could jump in my brain and understand the message I'm trying to convey. Until that day, I guess I'm stuck using a thesaurus.


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